Monday, August 9, 2010

Kings Island


One day, not so long ago, I was thinking about good blog topics for us to explore all that we have in common. One random thought was Kings Island, as any girl living in Ohio would have something to say about this place. Then, a few days later, you post something on your Confessions blog about going to Kings Island. Not that I needed any more proof you are my soul cyster, but really? For having never met each other, I can't believe how connected we are sometimes. :)

Anyway, living in Chicago as a young girl, I remember my Grandparents taking to me to Kings Island. I was very young (maybe 4?) and I don't remember the details, I just remember being there with Grandma and Grandpa. Kings Island is a special place to me because it is one of the few memories I have of my Grandpa...being there with him.

What does Kings Island mean to you?
Did you go as a little girl?

Lots of love to you,


1 comment:

  1. this blog is so cool! i think its awesome you all have found eachother and become so close. I would love to find a cyster i can connect with like you all do!
